• The Building Department categorizes projects by types and scope of work to be performed.


  • Alteration Type I: This type of alteration requires an amendment to the Certificate of Occupancy or new C/O. Property owners who wish to change the occupancy of a single-family home to a two-family home will require this type of alteration. Also changing uses of a facility from commercial to residential.


  • Alteration Type II: Alteration that does not require amending the Certificate of Occupancy, but will include multiple types of work. This type of alteration may be used when there is no change in the C/O of the building, the use of the facility remains, such as an interior work or alteration.


  • Alteration Type III: An Alt III involves one work type such as a new sidewalk, curb cut or construction fence. The scope of work does not change the use, egress or occupancy of the facility.


  • Builders Pavement Plan (BPP): Considered an Alteration Type III, as part of the right of way BPP’s are primarily under the jurisdiction of the NYC Department of Transportation, but other agencies as the NYC Department of Buildings and the NYC Parks Department may also regulate. Whenever an alteration or new building is underway, the scope of work that will result in a new or amended Certificate of Occupancy, the sidewalk and portions of the streets facing the new building or alteration lots must be refurbished or improved.